The Different Causes of Skin Hives


Skin hives is a common skin condition which several people have already experienced. This skin problem would show up bumpy as well as red rashes on the skin. They are not localized in a particular area of the body and they are itchy too. For some people who have suffered this kind of problem, they feel pain while having the skin hives. You may at first look at it as a bug bite but you will know that it is not when more hives show up. You will be able to see what is going on. The rash that comes out is called a wheal. They also come in different sizes. There are those that are about a few centimeters smalls while others are wider. But, most of the wheals that you will see have the size of an average mosquito bite.


What Causes Hives? You need to know that your hives may actually appear different from the hives of the other persons. Thus, you should not panic when the wheals don't look the same as what you can see on the internet or in the book. If you have outbreaks, you should find out what has triggered such skin problem. Many things can cause the outbreak of skin hives. Here are among the common causes of urticaria or hives.


Viruses can be the reason for you to get skin hives. Having wheals can be a symptom caused by various viruses. It is very common that the hives affect children but there are also adults that show up hives when they get a viral disease. Athlete's foot can present hives among the adults and also urinary tract infection. Hives are usually physical symptoms of the virus and because of this, the sufferer don't usually feel ill. Find out about the latest news concerning skin diseases at


Allergies can be another cause for the presence of skin hives. Usually the hives would be a way of the body to react to food or medication to which you are allergic too. It can be very easy to find out what kind of allergy caused the hives. If it has been due to food allergy, then the hives will show up a few minutes to a few hours after eating the food to which you are allergic. If the medication would cause the hives, then you will see wheals appear after a few minutes of taking the first dose of the medication. Stress is also a common culprit for getting hives. There are experts such as Dr. Young who can help in these cases.