What Causes Skin Hives?


The hives are a very common condition of the skin. This kind of problem would involve bumpy and red rashes that are found on the skin. The hives are not localized in a certain body area and they are quite itchy as well. For some sufferers of this skin problem, they feel pain with skin hives too. At first, you may think that you only have a bug bit when you get a hives outbreak. When the additional hives show up, you will see what is happening. Every rash that comes out in a hives outbreak is called a wheal. The wheals have different sizes as you can notice. Some measure to a few centimeters and there are those that are large. However, most wheals are about the size of an average mosquito bite.


You should know that hives can actually look different from one person to another. Hence, you don't have to worry if the wheals are not the same in appearance as those that you will be able to see in books or the internet. When you have several outbreaks of hives, you must try to know what is triggering the skin problem. There are several things that can trigger the outbreak. Here are some of the frequent causes of skin hives or urticaria. Experts such as Dr. Tiffany Young can give you better understanding about this.


One would be the viruses. The hives can be symptom of different kinds of viruses. It is quite common that the hives result from the virus that affect the children but this can also be experienced by the adults. In circumstances where the adults would get skin hives because of the virus, the common culprits are urinary tract infections and athlete's foot. Usually, hives are just the physical symptom of the virus and for this reason, the sufferer won't feel ill. Read this discussion about hives at http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/268211/hives.


Allergies would be another cause for you to get skin hives. The hives are usually the body's way of reacting to the medication or food that you are allergic with. Fortunately, it is easy to determine what type of allergy has caused your hives. When it is caused by a food allergy, then the hives will appear in a few minutes to a few hours after you have eaten the food that you are allergic to. When the medication is responsible for causing your hives, then you will see the wheals come out a few minutes after you took the first dose of medicine. Another reason to get skin hives is stress. Read about hive causes by Dr. Young.